Jackie Hyde advises ways that day nursery owners can check if their business has adequate cover against loss. It may surprise you to be told that a large percentage of day nurseries in this country aren’t adequately protected by their existing insurance arrangements. I have more than 10 years of experience of working with the day…
Continue reading "Covered up"Author: Phoebe Moore
Economic Climate
Hard Times When financial pressures begin to rise, it is common for Insurance providers to receive an increase in claims as businesses adjust to economic constraints. The claims can come in many forms such as injury claims from employees or third parties, employee grievances and property damage losses. In this article, we will review the…
Continue reading "Economic Climate"Is a specialist worth it?
We all want to manage our costs, but it’s taking a chance to not use a specialist insurer for your nursery business, says Jackie Hyde. It can be challenging to choose an insurance policy that suits your business needs. From our experience, the insurance industry has changed considerably over the years, with new risks to…
Continue reading "Is a specialist worth it?"Expanding Your Business… The Insurance Implications
Expanding your business Are you aware of how your insurance company can help you make better choices when you’re expanding your business and buying new settings? asks Jackie Hyde In today’s fast-moving market, where acquisitions and new settings are a daily occurrence, we are seeing that in their haste, nursery owners sometimes aren’t dotting the…
Continue reading "Expanding Your Business… The Insurance Implications"The financial stability rating of the insurance company
It is important to understand the financial stability rating of the insurance company. Many nurseries have been affected by Gable Insurance being placed in liquidation on 21 November 2016. So, what does this mean for nurseries insured with this company and, more importantly, what guidance is there to ensure nursery owners do not find themselves…
Continue reading "The financial stability rating of the insurance company"The Importance of Directors & Officers Liability Insurance
I know from personal experience that owning a business can at times be a stressful experience. The responsibilities we face on a daily basis include areas such as Employment Law, Health & Safety and Financial Obligations not to mention our Regulatory Requirements. Life gets even harder when these regulations change and we all know that…
Continue reading "The Importance of Directors & Officers Liability Insurance"Manual handling: a cause for concern?
A recent court case involving a faulty cot prompts Jackie Hyde to outline the manual handling approaches you should adopt to protect children, staff and your nursery. In July 2013, a former nursery employee won a legal battle against an early years provider after being left severely disabled by using a faulty cot at one…
Continue reading "Manual handling: a cause for concern?"Managing Allergies
Managing Allergies in a Nursery Setting There are many children in nursery settings throughout the country who are at risk from severe food allergies but the vast majority are happily accommodated in mainstream settings by managing allergies. Good communication and consensus between parents/guardians, settings, managers, staff, doctors and health authorities is key. Food allergies are…
Continue reading "Managing Allergies"Prepare that paperworks
Good document-keeping is more important than ever, now liability claims are on the increase. We know how frustrating it can be for a nursery owner when insurers say they have no choice but to settle a liability claim. This can result from a defective piece of play equipment, inadequate supervision – or the lack of…
Continue reading "Prepare that paperworks"Health and Safety confusion
In response to calls for the clarification of health and safety regulations that dog nursery businesses, here we provide an overview of employers’ responsibilities and what is changing. Rarely a day goes by without health and safety being mentioned in the media, especially now there have been discussions in Parliament about returning to basics. We all…
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