Automatically insuring you for a wider range of activities

Our experience has taught us that no two nurseries are the same. Whilst it’s easy to assume your insurer is aware of and covers you for the range of activities your business takes part in, this might not always be the case.

However, when you insure your business with dot2dot, you’ll automatically be covered for:

  • Forest or Beach school sessions
  • Days out to zoos, farms, libraries, shops etc.
  • Lessons from Third Party providers, such as swimming and dancing
  • Children’s parties held within the nursery premises
  • Open days/fundraising events including bouncy castle hire, face painting and firework displays
  • Sale of products including books, nursery goods, nappies & milk
  • Attendance at local carnivals, walks and processions
  • Hire of rooms for training activities to local authorities etc.

Extending this cover for extra peace of mind

We can further extend this cover to include an even wider range of activities, as long as we’re able to understand how these fit into the day-to-day running of your business. Such additional activities may include:

  • Before and after school clubs
  • Holiday clubs
  • Crèches including mobile ones at weddings, conferences etc
  • Babysitting
  • Baby massage

Get in touch

To find out more information and get a quotation that is unique to you and your business please get in touch by using the contact form below or speak to a member of our child care insurance provider team on 01204 570390

Click here to review a summary of the policy details

The bear that cares

Cover Guidance

A closer look at liability cover

Liability claims can be varied and complex and when they arrive the allegations made can be quite a worry….

Request full policy details


    Added benefits

    With your policy, you will gain access to:

    • AVIVA is the UK’s largest general insurer; ultimately providing additional strength and expertise to dot2dot
    • AVIVA share our passion to work closely with nurseries and will ensure we continue to enhance our insurance cover and provide additional solutions and services
    • AVIVA has won many awards for service and innovation and has developed leading technology specifically designed to improve claims management
    • AVIVA has a strong reputation for working closely with their customers to actively defend appropriate claims – an approach that has identified them as a market leaders