Advice by Jackie Hyde
On International Women’s Day there is nothing more important to me than to help inspire other women to take up the reigns of their own business. Over many interviews I have expressed my belief that at present, sadly there aren’t enough Women in Business. Certainly not in the insurance broking industry.
We need women of all ages, from young to old, to realise that if you want something in life you just have to be strong minded enough to go and get it. Life is full of opportunity and having an open mind to the options around you will help you find the What and When.
It was never in my mind, when I first started with Stanmore Insurance as an account handler that I would be running the business one day. So many challenges came along and understanding the fundamentals of business such as sales, marketing, finance etc. was way out of my comfort zone.
But, I did it! I grabbed every opportunity that came along and made some mistakes along the way. Do I regret the mistakes? Do I worry about them? No, it helped make me the person I am today. Running a successful Insurance Brokers with a National Nursery Insurance scheme.
To make the most of International Women’s Day I thought it might be a nice idea to get a few fellow Women in Business who I believe can share some great tips and tricks on how to keep yourselves inspired and not too snowed under with the endless “white noise” of today’s busy lives.
Below are a few personal tips I find really help me to keep focused and moving forward –
- I have a business coach Jane Kenyon who I met a number of years ago. She is inspirational. Having worked closely with her, she has really helped me to find me. In particularly what I am good at but equally what I am not so good at. Knowing this has helped me concentrate on what I’m best at and build a team around me to help with the bits I’m not so good at.
- Find a good Confidant. Running a business can sometimes be lonely so you always need to find good people to open up to.
- Positive role models, whether male or female, are vital. I am also an advocate of reading business books, in particular positive ways to believe in your ability to succeed or overcome adversity. There are lots of these books available and they can give you great tips or sometimes just reinforce the fact, you are doing a good job. My book of the moment is Busy by Tony Crabbe
- Get out and meet other women in business. Sadly, in today’s world young ladies are sometimes short on role models. Getting involved and meeting other women in business will help you build the confidence you can make it out there and succeed!
More from some inspirational Women in Business below-