dot2dot bear crawford stanley

Crawford Loss Adjusters

When a major loss occurs, Crawfords Loss Adjusters work with dot2dot to coordinate the paperwork with the insurers and make sure everything goes smoothly and a settlement is promptly reached.

All claims are coordinated by one Major Loss Adjuster to ensure a consistent service for all clients, wherever they’re based within the UK. So should you face a major loss claim, with Crawfords supporting dot2dot, you know you’re in safe hands.

“You don’t know how good your insurance is until you need it. Last year we had an E. coli incident and unfortunately we had to close the nursery for a few days. From the moment I contacted Jackie, the service we received was fantastic, providing step-by-step advice, a legal team on hand and genuine care about how we were coping.”

“Jackie made sure that the business was still able to keep going by arranging for interim payments to be made as we went along. They’re a brilliant team!”

Sue Curtis

Admin Director

Clarendon Cottage School Ltd