Earlier this year we wrote an article for Nursery Management Today on the increasing threat poor cyber security poses to the nursery sector. If you missed it, you can catch up here.
New Report from GCHQ on Early Years Cyber Security
It appears we were not alone in our concerns. This week the National Cyber Security Centre (part of GCHQ) published a special report offering advice to the Early Years sector on keeping themselves and their business cyber secure.
The report covers the main areas of online security:
• Backing up your data
• Having secure passwords
• Privacy & Security on Social Media
• Virus Protection
• Phishing Scams
You can read the full report here.
Cyber Security Tips to keep handy
The report also included a downloadable PDF to share with your team or have up on the wall in your office. YOu can download it here.
A bit about Cyber & Commercial Crime Insurance
Having a cyber-insurance policy will not stop you from becoming a victim of a cyber-attack, the same way property insurance does not stop you from suffering a fire. However, an insurance policy will provide you with a team of experts to help reduce the impact of an attack and insurers will often help you make improvements to your system to stop you from falling victim again.