Time off for surrogate parent

Question: We have an employee who is having a child via surrogacy.  We want to support her and would like to know whether she is entitled to any time off? Answer:  Historically, while the mother acting as a surrogate would be entitled to maternity leave, your employee, as the intended parent, would not, unfortunately, be…

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Case Confidential – Recruitment

Recruitment of staff can be a time consuming activity; finding the right person with the relevant experience and qualifications who will fit in with the rest of your team can take time. It is also important to get the administration aspects of this completed in a timely matter, as one nursery manager found out to…

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Safeguarding in Children's Nurseries – Legal Workshop

Macdonald Swan’s Nest Hotel, Stratford-upon-Avon Thursday 2nd July 2015 9.30am – 12.30pm £54.00 including VAT Why should I attend? This interactive workshop, which has been created by dot2dot – one of the UK’s leading specialist day nursery insurance providers – will review the safeguarding issues involved in nursery care from the lawyers and practitioner’s perspective….

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You were all by far and away the most professional, pro-active, helpful and friendly company that we dealt with

“As I said on the phone this morning your company has won our business it was not just given – we were considering other providers including our existing insurer, however, you were all by far and away the most professional,         pro-active, helpful and friendly company that we dealt with. We now feel confident that we…

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Our Customer Satisfaction Survey Results are Great! 97% Very Satisfied! Thanks! #earlyyears #insurance

Customer Satisfaction Survey Each year we distribute a customer satisfaction survey with our annual wall-planner. I was delighted with both the number of responses received and the feedback provided and wanted to share the results with you. Overall Satisfaction 97% of the respondents were very satisfied with the service we provide and 94% are very…

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