Our Customer Satisfaction Survey Results are Great! 97% Very Satisfied! Thanks! #earlyyears #insurance

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Each year we distribute a customer satisfaction survey with our annual wall-planner. I was delighted with both the number of responses received and the feedback provided and wanted to share the results with you.

Overall Satisfaction

97% of the respondents were very satisfied with the service we provide and 94% are very likely to recommend us to other nursery owners.

Satisfaction with the dedicated account handlers

We understand the importance and reassurance that a dedicated account team can provide particularly if difficult circumstances arise. We asked you to rate your satisfaction with your account handler in the areas of responsiveness, professionalism and understanding your needs. As you will see, our results are consistently good and we are significantly improving in our demonstration of our understanding of nursery needs

dot2dot survey


I wanted to conclude by thanking everyone who chose to participate in the survey. I value your feedback and will continue to use it to improve the overall dot2dot package.

where individual questions or comments have been raised these have now been resolved and the team and i enjoyed reading the many testimonials and kind comments you have provided.

Some of which will be added to our website over the coming week with our thanks.

Kind regards


jackie hyde