A former nursery worker was recently sentenced in the Isle of Man to a total of five years and three months’ imprisonment after admitting sexually assaulting a child and making indecent photographs of children. The judge when passing sentence stated he had committed a gross breach of trust by his actions when he had been employed to protect the young and very vulnerable children in his care at the nursery.
This case alongside Vanessa George, Paul Wilson and Operation Yew Tree is raising concerns within the insurance industry as they are also seeing a rise in abuse allegations and claims. Subsequently insurers are starting to increased premiums and in some situation cover is becoming restricted, withdrawn or warranties and conditions being incorporated within the policy.
These cases receive high profile press coverage therefore increasing public awareness of abuse. All an Early Years provider can do is ensure robust policies and procedures are in place and work closely with the entire team of staff to make them fully aware of what is happening, so they fully understand their responsibilities.